Representation of cancer incidence and mortality in the Spanish press




health communication; public health; incidence; mortality; media; cancer; Spain.


Cancer is the leading cause of death worlwide and the second leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Spain. In emergencies and health crises, the media provide information that can condition public perception and help specialized broadcasters to communicate strategically, to ensure disease prevention and containment. The main objective of this article is to observe whether the Spanish written press, in its selection of news about cancer, reflects a preponderance of those types of cancer with higher incidence and mortality rates. We used content analysis and latent topic assignment (LDA) to study 1,371 cancer news items published between April 2022 and March 2023 in the three conventional newspapers with the highest weekly online reach, El País, El Mundo and La Vanguardia. Some cancers are over-represented in the media, such as leukemia and brain cancer, while other cancers with higher incidence and mortality rates, such as colorectal and prostate cancer, are under-represented. Skin cancer is mentioned in only 4% of the publications and is under-represented, considering that it is also a cancer with epidemiological status. The results are in line with previous Ibero-American studies and confirm the only study on media coverage of skin cancer in Spain. With the exception of breast and lung cancer, there is no general correspondence between the incidence and mortality of the main cancers and their media coverage, which may have implications for the prevention and control of these diseases.

Author Biographies

Noelia Zurro-Antón, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Fuenlabrada, España

NOELIA ZURRO-ANTÓN, master in Applied Communication Research from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC). Since 2020 she is a research assistant at the Department of Journalism and Corporate Communication at the URJC. She is currently a member of the working team of the Compreven(p)cancer project (PID2020-116487RB-100), funded by the Spanish State Research Agency. Author of several articles and reports, her main research interests focus on strategic communication and public relations.

Luis Cárcamo-Ulloa, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile

LUIS CÁRCAMO-ULLOA, Ph.D. in Perception, Communication, and Time, completed doctoral and postdoctoral studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and the Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Adjunct professor at the Universidad Austral de Chile, he is a member of the working team of the Compreven(p)cancer project (PID2020-116487RB-100). He has been main researcher and collaborator of Fondecyt and Fondef projects of Chile’s National Commission for Research in Science and Technology. His research focuses on communication mediated by social media and educational technologies.

Angeles Moreno, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Fuenlabrada, España

ÁNGELES MORENO, Ph.D. with extraordinary award from the Pontificia Universidad de Salamanca, she is a university professor and member of the Advanced Communication Studies Group (GEAC, by its Spanish acronym) of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. She leads the Compreven(p)cancer project (PID2020-116487RB-100). Moreno has been president and executive director of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), and she has held positions in several commissions and associations. Author of more than 120 publications, she is recognized in the Spanish ranking of the most influential researchers.


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How to Cite

Zurro-Antón, N., Cárcamo-Ulloa, L., & Moreno, A. (2024). Representation of cancer incidence and mortality in the Spanish press . Cuadernos.Info, (57), 182–204.