Construction and demolition waste as raw material in pavements layers
construction and demolition waste, recycling, pavement layers, sustainability, laboratory testsAbstract
The proper management of demolition construction waste from the construction industry is an issue that has gained relevance over the last years in several research centers around the world and, in this context, researches on the potential of using construction and demolition waste to execute pavement layers have been stood out. The paper presented results of a research performed to evaluate the characteristics of the material produced by a waste treatment/beneficiation industrial plant. Tests to verify the suitability of the material as pavement subbase material were performed according Brazilian code - grain-size distribution composition, maximum characteristic dimension, shape particle index (SPI), contaminant percentage and sieving process. The results obtained indicated that the recycled aggregates investigated performed well in all the requirements of the reference standards used and only one correction, related to grain size distribution, was performed using a sieving process. It is important to highlight that the tests and analyses must be performed constantly when forming each aggregate batch, since the recycled aggregates are usually quite heterogeneous, with characteristics that may vary depending on the type of work, construction materials used or period of the year.
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Copyright (c) 2022 F.A.N. Silva, M.T.A. Silva, J.M.P.Q. Delgado, A.C. Azevedo, G.F.C. Pereira

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