Effects of particle size optimization of quartz sand on rheology and ductility of engineered cementitious composites
Engineered Cementitious Composites, Particle Size, Optimization, Rheology, DuctilityAbstract
In this study, the effect of particle size of quartz sand on the fresh and hardened properties of engineered cementitious composites (ECC) was investigated. For this purpose, three ECC mixtures that are identical except for the gradation of quartz sands used in their composition were designed. One of the mixtures includes a combination of quartz sands with amounts determined by the Andreasen and Andersen particle size optimization model while the remaining two have a finer and a coarser gradation. In the fresh state, mini slump, mini V-funnel and bleeding tests were applied, and rheological parameters were determined according to Bingham and modified Bingham models by using a rotational viscometer. In the hardened state, flexural strengths, mid-span deflections and numbers of microcracks formed under flexural loading were determined at 7 and 28 days. It was observed that the particle size optimization of the quartz sand can provide a balance between flow and bleeding characteristics of ECC mixtures. Although a reduction in flexural strength occurred at both ages in the optimized ECC mixture, the deflection capacity and the crack formation capacity under loading were significantly increased, reaching a deflection value of over 10 mm with at least 11 cracks formed during the test. As a result, it was revealed that particle size optimization can yield a mixture with the highest ductility without compromising the workability of ECC.
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