Investigation of rutting, fatigue and cracking resistance parame-ters of CR modified warm asphalt binders compare with SBS modified binders
Modification, rheology, warm mix additive, rutting, cracking, fatigue parameterAbstract
This study compares the rutting and cracking resistance and fatigue parameters of crumb rubber (CR) modified warm asphalt binders, which were determined by viscoelastic continuum damage (VECD) theory. The effect of the combination of CR modification and Sasobit, a warm mix additive, was investigated. Performance of CR + Sasobit compound was compared with styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) modification. Newly developed rheological tests such as multi stress creep recovery (MSCR), lineer amplitude sweep (LAS) and conventional tests were applied to modified binders. It was determined that the CR + Sasobit modified binders improved the rutting parameter better in comparison to SBS-added binders. Although the CR additive improved the rheological properties of the binder at low and medium temperatures, this effect was reduced when used with Sasobit additive. Sasobit additive increased the stiffness and decreased the fatigue parameter at low temperatures. Besides, the results of the LAS test revealed that at high strain values (i.e.> 6%), the fatigue life of CR and Sasobit modified binders was lower than the fatigue life of the pure binder. In other words, CR and Sasobit modified binders could not preserve material integrity.
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