Practical research topics in Chilean geography (1830-1980) in Chilean geography (1830-1980)


  • MONICA GANGAS Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Applied geography, practical research, academic systematization


In the origin and development of chilean geography the subject of practical researchor Applied Geographyis not absent.

According with variousconcepts ine/uded about practical researchin this artie/e,the bibliographicalinformation is ordered and analyzed. The purpose is to treat with respect subject-matter,approaches,methods and proposals of different authors. Is waspossible to identify six principal themes of researchbetween 1830 and 1980. These theme, according subject-matter fixed by the authors, are: the geographicalchart, the geologicalchart, regionalstudies, geographical studies for political boundary demarcation, geopolitical studies and Earth Science and Natural Resources. The information ordered in a systematic way shows and tests the development ofpractical research in Chile. Some of the activities are pioneers in the generation of geographical knowledge about Chile. All the contribution included in these artic1es are replies governmental request. On this period it is significant the evolution of the approaches used by researchers, they used corographic, corological and analytical approximation. In respect to the methods uses on the period, areal and thematic procedures are detected.


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How to Cite

GANGAS , M. (1985). Practical research topics in Chilean geography (1830-1980) in Chilean geography (1830-1980). Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (12), 49–63. Retrieved from


