A perspective on Chilean-Argentine economic integration: oil and natural gas
Economic integration, Argentina-Chile, Oil and gas, political transactionAbstract
The papel' explores the causes that compelled Allwin administration to satisfy Chilean demandofoiland natural gas in Argentina 'sfossil fuel resources. Besides. it attemp to rela this [ac twith border agreementsin 24 points pending so lution in 1991. The authors review la nd borline demarcation, examine statistics on p roduction and consume of both oil and gas natural in Chile.analyse thesupply ofthoseenergetic resources in Argentinaand observe thechangesins tate enterprise sinArgentina and Chile in the eco nomic context ofthe last two decades. The conclusions of the study -rather, a set of geographic-political hipothesys- configure a political transaction. whose meaning would be that a fi nal agreement on the borderline demarcation is an open way to accede to Argentinian oil and natural gas.
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