Baños de Apoquindo: Caracterización, hidroquímica, modelo hidrotermal y alternativas de aprovechamiento


  • ARTURO HAUSER Y. Servicio Nacional de Minería y Geología


Apoquindo, Hidrotermal, Hidroquímica


Apoquindo Baths: Gen etic and hydrothermal characterization, ltydrothermal model and alternative uses. This study pro vides hydrogeologic data in relution to aparticular underexploited and largely unknown Chileau hot spring: Apoquindo Baths locatedat the lowersection of the LosAlmendros ravine.inLasCondesCounty. MetropolitanRegion. Geneticalty: thespring is related to the PocuroFault Zone.Availublestudiesindicate thut ApoquindoBath swere activelyexploitedbetween 1890 and 1942. Apoquindo Baths contain hypothermal, neutral calcic-magnesic-sulftuic cliloride waters. Temperature and chemical data collected over a periodofapproximately 110years indicate,onthewhole, thatthethermalwaters are ver)'stable with scarce variation in tlieir thermal and chemical nature. The present outflow obtained by means of a rustic capture system. corresponds to 3.3 liters/sec. with mean annual temperatures in the range of 10 22o C. The opportune location of Apoquindo Baths. cJose Santiago. together with the physicochemical characteristics of their waters should stimulate fu rther detailed studies and/or investments int ended /O improve their utllization beyond the cu rrent minimal level.


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How to Cite

HAUSER Y., A. (2021). Baños de Apoquindo: Caracterización, hidroquímica, modelo hidrotermal y alternativas de aprovechamiento. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (26), 23–36. Retrieved from


