The local, the global and the mall: the logic of exclusion and interdependence


  • RODRIGO SALCEDO HANSEN Universidad de Illinois
  • Diego Campos Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Globalization, malls, post-public spaces


This paper plans to describe and analyze the influence of globalization in the localization and working conditions of post-public spaces; using in this case, the example of the mall. In first place, I will discuss different narratives related to the relationship between globalizing tendencies that push towards the homogenization of social structures; and local or heterogenizing tendencies in the world system. Once the literature on globalization is discussed attention will be concentrated in different aspects of the mall industry throughout the world. In first place I will describe two specific mall realities corresponding to two geographical and sociopolitical specificities: The Far East and its scarcity of urban space, and the countries of Eastern Europe in the transition period. Then, I will consider three aspects of the mall industry that transcend regional borders: architectural design, capital for development, and incorporation of local practices. At the end, I will draw a conclusion about the relationship between the contrasting tendencies of local and global, and the impact of this, upon future research on Chilean malls.


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Author Biographies

RODRIGO SALCEDO HANSEN, Universidad de Illinois

Departamento de Ciencia Política, Universidad de Illinois, Chicago.

Diego Campos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Traducido por Diego Campos, licenciado en Sociología PUCCH.


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How to Cite

SALCEDO HANSEN, R. ., & Campos, D. (2021). The local, the global and the mall: the logic of exclusion and interdependence. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (30), 103–115. Retrieved from


