Degradation of the rainforest in a watershed in the north of Isla Grande de Chiloé.


  • VÍCTOR QUINTANILLA PÉREZ Universidad de Santiago de Chile


Vegetational fire, Pluvial Valdivian forest, Log, Satellite images


The present study analizes the change and the effects produced in several time in the hygrophite cold forest in a sector of the northeastern of the Isla Grande of Chiloé. The current state of the vegetation is characterized in the lower part of the Río Chepu basin, wich corresponds to the biggest basin in the island. Many vegetational fire in the area, the intense exploitation of the forest mostly for the log and wood extraction, and the depression of the lower land due to the seismic activity during may of 1961, have been determined an intense deterioration of the forest that their regeneration is very difiicult. Many exotics and invader species difficult the renewal of typical tree species. The analysis of the satellite images of the three different summer dates (1976, 1987, 2000), allowed to prove the spatial and temporal changes that have been experienced these systems, particulary in the forestry cover.


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Author Biography

VÍCTOR QUINTANILLA PÉREZ, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Departamento Ingeniería Geográfica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.


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How to Cite

QUINTANILLA PÉREZ, V. . (2021). Degradation of the rainforest in a watershed in the north of Isla Grande de Chiloé. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (31), 73–84. Retrieved from


