Territorio extendido transnacional. La celebración de San Pablo apóstol de los migrantes de Axochiapan (México) en Saint Paul (EEUU)
Transnacionalismo, territorio extendido, migración internacional, celebración patronal, tradiciónAbstract
Using as case study the community of Mexican migrants from the municipality of Axochiapan, Morelos (Mexico) in the "Twin Cities" (Saint Paul, and Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA)) and the practice of their cultural traditions, particularly their celebration of the patronal festival of Saint Paul the Apostle, we propose to reflect on the concept of territory and its possibility of existing relativizing its geographical contiguity and transnationality. We make this analysis from a transnationalism perspective and from the humanistic geography view, which allows us to recognize the territory, beyond an absolute spatial dimension, its social and cultural condition in the context of technological advancements in telecommunications, and the space-time contraction of this era, which transforms the spatial notion of territorial relationships. The main objective is to analyze the relationship between international migration and the construction processes and production of territory beyond the notion of territory as a contiguous space, proposing the concept of extended territory as functional continuity in its subjective, social and cultural dimensions in spatially distant territories. With a qualitative methodology, the paper discusses the concept of territory and the possibility of its transnational existence, which allows the construction of an extended territory.
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