Chilean's in Madrid: Augusto D'Halmar


  • Juana Martínez Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)


This third paper on "Chileans in Madrid" is dedicated exclusively to Augusto D'Halmar, who, during the fifteen years he lived in Madrid (1918-1934), was an active participant in the Spanish capital 's cultural life. In Madrid he published various novels, among them one of the most accomplished, La Pasión y Muerte del cura Deusto (The Passion and Death ofFather Deusto). He also gave conferences in the Ateneo, was a member of literary groups, worked as a journalist for several years in Informaciones, one of the most important daily papers of the period, became a good friend of several Spanish writers, etc. 7his intense activity was interrupted by the onset of the Civil War and his subsequent return to Chile.



How to Cite

Martínez, J. (2022). Chilean’s in Madrid: Augusto D’Halmar. Anales De Literatura Chilena, (5), 45–60. Retrieved from




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