La conservación de la naturaleza en la planificación del territorio: los desafíos para las áreas silvestres protegidas de Chile


  • GONZALO ESTEBAN MARDONES RIVERA Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Geografía ambiental


The protected wild areas have been considered traditionally like the main rool for the conservation of the biodiversity: The classic theoreticalconce ption ofthese,consideredassite fortheconservation,hasbeenlarelyobjecrofstrongcritic, because itspracticalapplication hasbeen decreasing theeffectiveness ofitsobjectivesand hascausedconfli cts atterritoriallevel.The deficiencies of ecological cover of the SNASPE show the diffi culties to incorporate new territories ro the system ando by another one. many of the already existlng units do not have the si ze sufficient ro guarantee viable minimum populations. Befare ir, phenomena Iike the fra gmentation and dest ruction of the natural hubitats and the increasing human of the narural spaces, begin ro acquire every time greater importance f or the conservation, because they are developed outside the protected areas. This, it is considered that the handling of the protected wild areas requires fundamentally of the establishment of biological runnerswhointerconnectthemandofthecreati onofzonesbufferthatallow TOsurpass theconflicts ofuseofthe ground in their environs, but of an integrated planning of the territory.


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How to Cite

MARDONES RIVERA, G. E. . (2021). La conservación de la naturaleza en la planificación del territorio: los desafíos para las áreas silvestres protegidas de Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (26), 97–103. Retrieved from


